Self-Service Unlock Codes
Make your own evaluation license code here for FuzRegEx, Rubicon, WebHub, StreamCatcher and all other software
made by HREF Tools Corp.
Notes for WebHub Central
Without a customized unlock code, The Hub has a capacity of 1 module and works with
browsers on unlimited IP numbers. Your reseller can sell you a Hub
upgrade license, or you may buy one direct from HREF. Hub upgrades
for version 2.00 are available for 2, 5, 10, 15 and unlimited modules.
Based on your unlock code, The Hub allows you to run a certain number of modules.
In WebHub version 2, the hub's capacity is based on the license code and
the number of CPUs on the server.
For Registered WebHub Customers
When you register, we send you an e-mail message with your Licensee
Name and unlock code. If you have lost your code, please
contact Customer Service and provide proof
of purchase information, such as invoice number, payment method and date.
Related Web Pages
For Customers Upgrading from WebHub 1.x
If a version 1.00 license code is tried on a 2-CPU server with a version 2.00 Hub, The Hub's capacity
will be 1/2 as high as on the 1-CPU server. The capacity on a 4-CPU server will
be 1/4 as high. Purchase a new (or upgraded) Hub version 2.00 license code for
multiprocessor servers.
Last updated