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Inside Scoop: News for WebHub Developers

Our apps are now running WebHub-v3.288. The application serving this page was compiled with Embarcadero Delphi compiler d29_win64.

This content on this page was updated 05-Dec-2024 New York Time

And Now, the News...

  • WebHub v3.288 supports Delphi 12.2
    A unit was contributed to TPack: ucMIMEType.pas.
    Hints were added to ucAWS_S3_BackgroundTransfer.pas which contains source to help you upload files to Amazon S3 storage on a background thread.
  • WebHub help is likely to move to a file that developers can use locally.
    The documentation server is offline and saving electricity at the moment. This can be changed easily upon request if someone needs to study something. Our contact page still works, feel free to say hello.
  • WebHub v3.287 supports Delphi 12
  • WebHub v3.286 built with Delphi 11.3
  • Blog generated with WebHub; searchable with Rubicon
    Our content was cloned from an old location on into our own system for archiving.
    The source code for the searching was saved in the WebHubDemos project which can be found on
  • WebHub v3.283 supports Delphi 11.1, both win32 and win64
    We discovered a problem in one of the core units which suddenly needed attention for EXEs compiled with Delphi 11.1 for win64 and using runtime packages.
    This has been fixed in v3.283.
  • WebHub online help is receiving CloudFront assistance
    For better or for worse, the application is being used to learn/demonstrate how to layer a content delivery system such as AWS CloudFront on top of a public WebHub application. The dust has not settled yet. If you noticed wobbliness in the last two weeks, this is the reason.
  • Blogging sample project in process
    We have been working on a new database-driven sample project which uses PostgreSQL to publish a blog.
  • WebHub channel on
    You are most welcome to talk about WebHub on our new forum which runs using Discourse on Ubuntu.
    We are analyzing the structure of the Discourse post_stream, leading up to being able to import Delphi-related Discourse content into CodeNewsFast, searchable with Rubicon.
  • WebHub v3.281 supports Delphi 11.0
  • WebHub v3.280 works with Delphi 10.4.2
    The latest release fully supports Delphi 10.4.2 and offers better performance for high-traffic sites.
    This site is running WebHub-v3.288. The page layout has been recently modified to use Zurb Foundation v6.4. Most pages should work on mobile phones now.
  • WebHub Way of Thinking: republished
    This article was originally published in 2009 by SDN. As SDN is no longer operating, it seemed appropriate to provide a slightly updated version, here.
  • WebHub v3.279 works with Delphi 10.4.1
    Confirming: no worries upgrading to Delphi 10.4.1 from 10.4. If you leave your registry settings intact during the upgrade, WebHub v3.279 will be available for you without reinstalling WebHub itself.
    We have full support for EditPad Pro v8 now.
  • WebHub v3.277 supports cookies with SameSite flag
    While WebHub-for-intranet usually avoids cookies entirely, some public WebHub sites run with a session cookie. To comply with the latest ideas from Google, we added support for the SameSite flag. This lets you control whether the browser should ever send the cookie back to a domain other than the one the cookie was issued from.
  • Install EditPad Pro with WebHub plug-in
    The WebHub Appliance now includes a script for installing EditPad Pro with the appropriate WebHub add-on files so that you have full syntax highlighting for your *.whteko files.

  • New Video: How to Build a WebHub Appliance
    Learn How to Build a WebHub Appliance using PowerShell, including IIS, installation WebHub Runtime and more than a dozen optional utilities, all done easily and reliably on any 64-bit Windows.
    Watch Now
    ~11 minutes
    Please give it +1 and share!
  • WebHub Online Reference Upgraded
    The online help for WebHub has been upgraded to use AWS CloudFront for the css and images. Remote content editing is also much easier now.

    Under the hood, DynHelp is currently compiled with Delphi 10.2 Tokyo for win32. It uses WebHub Components, Rubicon, NexusDB and IBObjects.
    The production system is hosted on AWS EC2 on a t2.nano instance using Windows Server 2016 Core. In case you are not familiar with AWS EC2, t2.nano is the smallest, least expensive virtual machine on offer.
  • Archived Source Code made more Public
    We have kept a collection for many years of Delphi units which were no longer part of our core products but might still be of use to others. Those files had been kept at and have just been moved to an svn repo on sourceforge.
    Of likely interest to WebHub developers; ucPipe and tpRTTI are both there now.
  • WebHub Appliance for Server Core
    The source forge project "WebHubAppliancePS" now contains PowerShell scripts for building up a WebHub Appliance on Windows Server 2016 Core. The Core variation of Windows Server is a compromise between zero GUI (i.e. Server Nano) and full GUI. On Core, Remote Desktop, TaskMgr and Notepad all exist and run fine. Explorer is not present however. Custom EXEs compiled with Delphi Vcl and Delphi FireMonkey with GUIs can work. The Hub service runs fine, and custom WebHub services that include custom panels, even GUI panels, run fine. ZMAdmin runs fine. So although it is a challenging to configure, it is definitely a cost effective option for deployment of WebHub systems.
    The WebHub Online Help system is now curring on an Amazon EC2 t2.nano box in us-east-1, on Windows Server 2016 Core. Performance is much better than when it ran on the full GUI version of Windows Server. Firebird SQL and NexusDB are both used as part of the DynHelp application.
  • WebHub v3.269 supports D25 Delphi 10.2 Tokyo
    WebHub Components v3.269 is available now for customers. It supports win32 and win64 compilation.
    All WebHub Demos including the Delphi Prefix Registry are now running the latest version. This is a win64 example, compiled with NexusDB and WebHub for Delphi 10.2 Tokyo.
  • ZaphodsMap compiles with D25 Delphi 10.2 Tokyo
    NativeXml and ZaphodsMap compile with the latest Delphi compiler. Tests pass on Win32, Win64 and Linux64.
  • Happy New Year
    The primary server has recently moved to Win2016 Server running on AWS EC2.
  • WebHub Appliance Tutorial Video Series
    We released the first in a series of tutorials about building up systems that will run WebHub on Windows. Creating an Amazon Web Service Instance explains how to use AWS EC2 to launch a Windows Server that will run WebHub Runtime.
    Note: the WebHub Appliance PowerShell scripts can be used on just about any modern version of 64-bit Windows. AWS EC2 is used during the tutorial for convenience. You could also use your own bare metal hardware or any other hosting service including Microsoft Azure.
  • with NexusDB in client/server mode
    This web site now runs 2x instances of its custom WebHub application to serve the content. The change from 1x to 2x required changing the NexusDB layer to use their client/server components. The transition was well documented and painless.
  • WebHub Speed
    Efforts have been ongoing in recent months to significantly increase response speed, particularly for parallel client requests.
    In-house tests are now showing very good results.
    WebHub release v3.248 incorporates the new techniques.
  • 64-bit StreamCatcher ISAPI Filter
    We have a working version being used on the majority of servers managed by HREF Tools now.
    All the syntax is backwards compatible with v1.9.0.6. The difference is that now you can keep IIS in a 64-bit AppPool with a 64-bit runisa.dll
  • WebHub command line utility
    WebHub v3.241+ includes a command line utility for admin functions such as starting, stopping and covering instances, viewing and changing the license and reporting on connected instances.
    Call whadmin.exe --help for usage information.
  • HTTPS everywhere
    HREF Tools applauds the efforts of to provide free certificates for any web domain. Almost all of this web site can be served over https now, thanks to a cert from their beta program for our graphics subdomain, Feedback is welcome, if you notice anything hardcoded to use http rather than protocol-relative links.
  • HREFSite uses NexusDB
    The content for this web site has moved from BDE to NexusDB. The web application is being compiled with the latest Delphi compiler, which is currently Delphi DX 10 Seattle.
  • WebHub Demos upgraded for mobile
    The WebHub Demos now use Zurb Foundation for responsive design.
  • HREFShop upgraded for mobile
    HREFShop now uses Zurb Foundation for responsive design. The AJAX calls for product detail were shifted from the old (but wonderful) Prototyp library to JQuery.
  • Server upgrade complete
    Hardware for has been upgraded, HREFShop has moved to its own subdomain on the same machine, all WebHub applications are running as-service, and an upgrade of IIS from 7 to 8 is now complete.
  • Delphi 10 Seattle supported
    WebHub v3.231 supports the newest version of Delphi known as DX10 Seattle.
  • Windows 10 supported
    As expected, WebHub v3.2x runs on Windows 10. This applies for WebHub Runtime plus the WebHub Components as used in the Delphi Integrated Development Environment.
  • Delphi XE8 supported
    WebHub v3.225 supports the newest version of Delphi, XE8.
  • Quietly upgrading servers
    Not much news at the moment because we have been upgrading all the Win2003 servers to Win2012.
  • Online Help no longer uses BDE!
    End of an Era!
    The WebHub online help system now uses Firebird SQL for the help content and NexusDB for the search index.
  • Video: Web-Centric Multi-Device Apps with Delphi
    Watch on You Tube
    This was the presentation about WebHub by Ann Lynnworth at Embarcadero Code Rage 9. It aired live in October.
  • Delphi Prefix Registry: Responsive
    The CSS3 for the Delphi Prefix Registry has been updated to use Foundation Grid. Try it on your mobile phone or table.
    The Delphi Prefix Registry web site is powered by NexusDB 64-bit with Rubicon and WebHub.
  • XE7 support ready
    WebHub for XE7 is available.
    The XE7 upgrade is a nice easy one for VCL developers.
  • DSP Search Engine: Closed
    HREF Tools sponsored the DSP Search Engine from March 1998 through August 2014. It is now closed.
    The content of the DSP may still be of interest to people who do not need Unicode support. 30-Aug-2014
  • XE6 support ready
    WebHub for XE6 is available.
    There is nothing difficult about the XE6 upgrade for VCL developers.
  • StartTLS support within WebHub email
    When compiled with Delphi XE3 and later, the WebHub v3.212 form-to-email component supports modern smtp servers which require secure connections. This includes gmail and Amazon SES. The implementation uses the Indy TidSMTP component which is included with Delphi.
  • NexusDB win64 - on CodeNewsFast
    The CodeNewsFast application has been compiled for win64 again, thanks to a brand new release of NexusDB v3.5 which supports 64-bit operation.
    Delphi XE5 update 2.
  • Switch from whAsync to OmniThreadLibrary
    CodeNewsFast has been refactored to use the Delphi OmniThreadLibrary. The async demo has also been completely refactored and is live at using WebHub v3.205.
  • New utility for developing regex for StreamCatcher and WebHub
    SCRules.exe: this utility makes the task of developing regex much easier.
    Source code is in the webhubdemos project under webhubdemos\Source\DelphiApps\SCRuleTest.
    There is also a new article available in the knowledgebase to help you get your configuration exactly correct. Read Article.
  • running v3
    The conversion is complete.
  • Performance testing
    Most of the work from July 2013 to the present has been on testing and refining the performance of WebHub v3.1.
    The Hub now helps by reporting summarized traffic data. Testing is happening against a Windows 2012 64-bit server that is temporarily running for this purpose. The hardware is a Dell 1950 server, not particularly high-end. The current plateau is that 20,000 requests go through from Selenium Grid at a rate of roughly 22 per second, sustained. Those are processed without errors, and with idle time to spare. The testing server runs 5x instances of 3 AppIDs and 2x instances of a 4th AppID, all as services.
    Details on how to measure and graph the traffic can be found in the online help; search for keyword gnuplot.
  • running 64-bit Hub v3
    The first public deployment of the Hub compiled 64-bit is on Finally got around to it! The custom WebHub application on that server has also been compiled 64-bit.
  • HTML5, Delphi XE4
    WebHub v2.188/v3.188 supports Delphi XE4.
    The HREF Tools opinion is that WebHub developers are best served by writing HTML5 applications used by ALL large and small devices, using CSS and smart HTML generation to adjust the GUI within each browser, rather than trying to use FireMonkey. In other words, the same WebHub solution that has worked since 1994 continues to work now with the newest gadgets and browsers.
    Nonetheless, the version of FireMonkey included with RadStudio XE4 is by far the best to date, and if you want to build something that interfaces to the camera on an iphone, or otherwise requires the hardware in a way that a browser cannot access for security reasons, then FireMonkey is a very good option. Programming in FireMonkey will feel comfortable to Delphi users.
    The non-visual TPack units compile and run in FireMonkey applications (with XE4). This means all the uc* units such as ucString.pas are ready for use.
    To date, there has been zero demand for running WebHub Runtime on Macintosh servers and that avenue is not being pursued.
  • New HREFSite design
    More than 100 old eseminar pages have been erased from the site; the orientation bar is up-top and much more noticable; and we went with a few larger graphics for fun.
  • WebDataSource Cleanup in Progress...
    WebHub v2.184/v3.184 sports a more sensible class hierarchy for the grid, scan and webdatasource components.
    Database access components that might have been a little tricky to use with WebHub in the past, e.g. ADO and IBObjects and NexusDB, will require far less work in terms of custom classes.
  • Delphi Prefix Registry
    The Delphi Prefix Registry web application has been almost entirely rewritten. Previously it used Paradox/BDE. Now it uses TnxTable from
    The login uses OpenID with the online interface.
    All Delphi authors have been contacted and given an opportunity to review their prefix registrations.
    The technical conversion from TTable to TnxTable was completely painless.
  • IProviderSupport
    As part of the seemingly infinite job of exorcising the BDE, WebHub is now supporting only Delphi 2010+ and that enables us to assume that TDataSet implements IProviderSupport. That lets us significantly refactor the way webdatasource is coded for various database access systems.
    Arrangements are gone; probably you were not using those anyway.
    IndexOrder is under deep consideration at the moment.
  • OpenID Integration demo
    At last, a significant new WebHub demo that shows how you can leverage the OpenID standard from a Delphi/WebHub application: start here
  • Javascript injection threat
    Anyone concerned about this potential thread is advised to read the release notes for v2.182 and the source code in ucMetaChars.pas which is included with v2.182.
    The new runner can be deployed to systems with older versions of WebHub Runtime without changing the Hub nor custom applications.
  • WebHub v2.182 with StreamCatcher v1.903
    Usually WebHub can be upgraded independently of StreamCatcher but in this particular instance, StreamCatcher users SHOULD upgrade deployment servers to v1.903 along with using WebHub v2.182 or v3.182 --- if they have any URLs with commands and want those URLs indexed by search engines.
    See also StreamCatcher release notes
  • ZaphodsMap on SourceForge
    Full source for ZaphodsMap including sample projects and DUnit tests is all in a subversion repository on SourceForge now.
  • Delphi XE3 Update 1 has shipped
    This is a must-use update for anyone with BDE projects.

  • Chat Powered by WebHub
    Live Chat has been running on parts of this web site since early November 2012. It is powered by HTML5 generated by WebHub; database is Firebird SQL.

  • Open House during Embarcadero Code Rage conference
    Please visit the HREF Tools Exhibit Booth during Embarcadero Code Rage.
    Selected products will be discounted. Live Chat will be open as much as possible, from the virtual Exhibit Booth.
    HREF Tools sponsors a time-zone adjusted version of the schedule which will truly help you if you live more than a few hours (in time zones) from California (GMT -8 right now).

  • Hub compiled with XE3
    This server is running with hub.exe built with the latest Delphi XE3.
    The app itself is still being compiled with XE2 because of the BDE/BLOB bug in XE3. There should be an update out soon which will let hrefsite.exe move forward.
    Most of the WebHub apps on various domains sponsored by HREF Tools have been built with XE3 but there are a few high-profile ones that still use the BDE in part.

  • Code News Fast articles rethreaded
    The entire threading system for has been refactored, and the data has been rebuilt. There are over 1.7 million conversations in the Firebird SQL database.

  • Code Generation for use with Firebird/Interbase
    The whSchedule demo has a special form and some units which can be added to any WebHub project in order to facilitate the generation of PAS, SQL and WHTEKO code helpful for database-driven web pages.

  • WebHub v2.174 ready
    This is the first WebHub release to support RAD Studio XE3, win32 and win64.

  • Setup Files signed
    Setup files built between August 17th and 24th used an expired code signing certificate, which was noticable on Windows8. Everything is all set now and the latest v2.174 installers use the new certificate which will last two more years.

  • WebHub v2.173 ready
    SOAP much faster; recommend using the new functions in ucCode64 for long strings.

  • WebHub v2.171 ready
    Notable to anyone managing a production server with WebHub Runtime v2.1x: there is a new feature than enables you to monitor the total number of connected instances. This is demonstrated on the WebHub Version Page, bottom table, Modules column.

  • Search Engine for Embarcadero Code Rage Presentations
    The Code Rage schedule demo has been changed so that it can be used off-season to search the archive for stored presentations. This is a great training resource for anyone wanting to learn Delphi, CPPBuilder, or any other Embarcadero product.
    Start here if you care to see WebHub source code files or on Code News Fast for a fancier user interface. The Code News Fast web site has a dual color-scheme, designed for use by people with normal vision or with deuteranomoly. The dual color scheme was achieved by using a series of WebHub macros to define a palette, and then exporting two style sheets. Only one of the color CSS links is used by a surfer, depending on which mode he or she is in.

  • WebHub v2.170 available
    There are some exciting new features for anyone brave enough to try out the code generator... please see the whSchedule demo to see how it can be used and read article #460 on the webhub support newsgroup.

  • WebHub v2.169 available
    The Setup files for v2.169 and v3.169 have shipped.
    The main area of work was TeeChart and IBObjects integration, plus experiments in PAS, SQL and WHTEKO code generation based on Firebird SQL metadata.

  • database change
    Ann Lynnworth was literally the poster girl for Borland Paradox, back around 1989-1992. It is a big technical and even bigger emotional step to let go of Paradox ... but the writing has been on the wall for years.
    "Embrace change..."
    The product and ordering database has now been changed from Paradox to Firebird 2.5, the latter running on CentOS Linux. Remaining to be changed is the webpage-content database.
    What that means is that THIS PAGE (whvclnotes) still comes from a Paradox table but all the product details, and everything in HREFShop, now come from Firebird SQL.
    IBObjects is used for the Delphi component layer to talk to Firebird.
    25-Jun-2012 22:15

  • WebMail components receiving attention v2.168
    Right now the focus is on making the TwhMail group of components easier to use, such that you can just Execute and then check the Sent property plus some new Error properties that will report some detailed information in case it was not possible to send the message.

  • WebHub v2.167 available
    The Setup files for v2.167 and v3.167 are ready.
    The main area of work was syntax highlighting within the editor.

  • EMail Working
    We have retired the server, which had been handling all our corporate email plus sending the occasional message on behalf of our web applications.
    Sendmail on CentOS Linux is now taking care of this for the web applications.
    Two fixes were needed within the WebHub email components, to allow for use on new/faster hardware, and to interface correctly to the Sendmail program. These fixes are in WebHub v2.166 now.
    The good news is that you can now email directly to everyone individually, the page works again, and miscellaneous form-mail examples are ok.
    Apologies to anyone who had trouble reaching us during recent weeks.

  • New Hardware Active Now
    This site is running on a new Dell 1950 server with IIS7.

  • Code News Fast - UTF8 edition
    After more than a year of preparation, the Code News Fast web site is now running almost-latest-WebHub, latest-Rubicon, latest Interbase Objects, Firebird SQL 2.5 and most importantly the database uses CHARSET=UTF8.

  • File upload
    The htcv file conversion demo has been extended to test file upload more thoroughly. Some issues with file upload have been identified in, for example, v2.157. These have been addressed in v2.161.

  • Some features for new installs
    WebHub v2.156 includes some features to help with new installations of the Runtime System and the Components. The runner will report any problem with the ZaphodsMap root on its version page. The components installer will tell you reboot if it needs to change your PATH environment.
    6-Dec-2011 22:20

  • Session Number Cookie
    It has been a long while since we had time to add a real FEATURE to WebHub, what with all the infrastructure changes and preparation required for big new things.
    In version 2.154, WebHub gets a new easy way to manage the session number cookie, via a few configuration entries instead of any Delphi or WHTEKO commands.
    In the simplest case with one domain or a group of domains that share a parent, you only have to indicate that the AppID uses a Session Number Location of CookieFixedDomain and set the CookieDefaultDomain to the shared parent.
    More complicated cases working across domains are ALSO supported ... and are a bit more complicated to explain. Please see the FAST demo, enter and click through its red buttons. Watch the URL changes.
    Feature complete and shipping in v2.155.
    Documentation is in the online help.

  • WebHub v2.153 available
    The Setup files for v2.153 and v3.153 are on ftp for customers.
    The main areas of work were new-ipc stability and session cookie handling on a single domain.

  • WebHub v2.151 available
    The Setup files for v2.151 and v3.151 are on ftp for customers.
    WebHub v3.151 includes win64 support with Delphi XE2.

  • WebHub v2.149 available
    The Setup files for v2.149 and v3.149 are on ftp for customers.
    This includes win64 support with XE2 for the new-ipc.
    20-Sep-2011 2:10

  • WebHub Guardian
    For production servers, a new utility will be shipping in v2.148 which monitors the running instances and starts additional ones if needed (i.e. in case an instance exits unexpectedly).

  • WebHub v2.144
    The significant change is that the runisa.dll runner is compiled with Delphi XE in this release. Previously it had been compiled with Delphi 7.
    16-Aug-2011 22:50

  • WebHub v2.143
    Installers are available for customers now.
    6-Aug-2011 3:55

  • WebHub v2.141 includes Hub built with Delphi XE
    The D15 Hub is standard now. If you need the D07 Hub for some reason, look in the extra archive provided on FTP for customers.
    1-Jul-2011 14:15

  • WebHub v2.140 available now
    Please remember to UNINSTALL your older components before installing v2.140+.
    30-Jun-2011 02:55

  • Renamed Packages...
    We have added a platform identifier to ALL package names except regex. For example, in the past we have had a package named WebHubDBDT_D15. The new name is WebHubDB_ide_d15_win32.
    We now have a single set of DPK source files that work across all supported versions of Delphi (much less maintenance work in the long run).
    We are aiming to have 64-bit WebHub available for customers as soon as Embarcadero releases the 64-bit Delphi compiler.
    By upgrading to WebHub v2.140 (when it ships), you will make it very easy for yourself to upgrade to 64-bit. We are trying to get ahead of the curve this year!
    23-June-2011 20:20

  • WebHub v2.139 available
    All the usual Setup files have been posted, including the new EXTRA archive.
    If you can test the speed of your WebHub application comparing the D07 versus D15 runner, and/or the D07 versus D15 Hub, that feedback would be very useful.
    19-June-2011 16:45

  • WebHub v2.138 available now
    05-May-2011 noon

  • Code News Fast goes ASync
    The search feature behind Code News Fast has been completely rewritten to use a WebHub async component, with Delphi XE. Try a search to see.
    10-Mar-2011 09:00

  • Captcha
    Hot off the press, a new unit: webCaptcha.pas, with a web action component, TwhCaptcha, to be used when you want humans-only to proceed...
    21-Feb-2011 00:45

  • WebHub v2.135 ready
    Thanks for using WebHub!
    18-Feb-2011 19:40

  • CodeNewsFast uses WebHub now
    We ported the WebBroker web application behind to WebHub and Delphi XE recently. That version is now live. It uses custom code with ClientDataSets, not TwhDataScan.

  • DFMConverter: binary to plain-text
    This little utility is downloadable only via Code Central at Embarcadero now. It is for anyone who still has old Delphi projects to upgrade. It converts the binary DFM format to plain-text (so you can run search and replace, and for better compatibility with version control systems).

  • WebHub /S Silent Installation
    The silent install of WebHub Runtime has been using the wrong set of defaults for locating the runners; resolved in v2.134.
    09-Jan-2011 15:15

  • WebHub v2.133 important update
    If you deploy your WebHub apps as a service, and you have had any trouble with your service dropping off the Hub connected panel, this update should help AND it is now easy for us to help you resolve any remaining issues, especially if you have Delphi XE or have purchased a CodeSite license from Raize Software.
    12-Dec-2010 23:00

  • WebHub v2.132 for Delphi XE Update 1
    Please use v2.132+ with Delphi XE Update 1. Update 1 is available to registered users, from Embarcadero.
    24-Nov-2010 01:30

  • Session Cookie Name
    WebHub v2.131+ includes a small change to the configuration such that ZMAdmin correctly prompts for a Session Cookie Name for each AppID. This will make it much easier for people who want to use the session cookie.

  • Windows 7 Support
    If you are using Windows 7, you might have noticed a problem with the Connected Panel in WebHubAdmin. It NEVER showed any data from the Hub. That is fixed in v2.131.

  • WebHub Demos separated
    The demos have been separated into database- versus lite- and more- demos. Now there are 2 servers supporting them, so almost all of them can be running at all times.
    There are 3 subdomains:, and The db subdomain runs on the prior server, and the other two are running inside VirtualBox on another mostly-idle server, thanks to WebCentre in New Zealand.
    3-Oct-2010 00:15

  • WebHub v2.129 posted
    WebHub v2.129 is available for customers via FTP now.
    3-Oct-2010 00:10

  • WebHub v2.128 posted
    WebHub v2.128 is available for customers via FTP now.
    13-Sep-2010 23:55

  • Delphi XE for WebHub
    YES. Delphi XE is an excellent upgrade; we will be using it in preference to Delphi 2010 for everything ... converting now.
    We are releasing new versions of everything: Rubicon, ZaphodsMap, WebHub, FuzRegex, plus all their installers are getting an overhaul. 02-Sep-2010 18:00

  • PriorCommand
    How did WebHubbers live without a pWebApp.Session.PriorCommand property for this many years?!? It seems very necessary for providing BACK buttons that work with pages that require command strings.
    PriorCommand is in v2.127 pre-release now.
    26-Aug-2010 20:55

Running: WebHub-v3.288 compiled with d29_win64 on Microsoft-IIS/10.0,
Fri, 17 Jan 2025 11:55:15 UTC
Session 1001, 0 pages sent to CCBot/2.0 ( at;
Time to produce this page: 16msec.