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SC Notes: Details for StreamCatcher users

  • StreamCatcher Help in CHM format for Windows 10
    Edits are being done now on the StreamCatcher help file. It is being produced in CHM format and can be used on any Windows system. If you are using Windows 10, use the file from a local (not unc) drive, or adjust the registry to make the content display.
    The PowerShell installer of StreamCatcher will give you the latest version of the CHM file in the Docs folder.

  • StreamCatcher v1.9.1.3 for 64-bit Windows Servers
    This version is available for installation by existing customers who use PowerShell. Create an account at and request access to the installer files from Customer Service.

  • StreamCatcher v1.9.0.4 for IIS 7 and later
    URL rewriting has been fixed to work with IIS 7, IIS 7.5 and (very likely) IIS 8.
    The symptom was that status 301 and status 302 redirects led to an internal problem in IIS (connection reset) with no corresponding entry in the IIS log nor the System Event Log. Only the StreamCatcher tracelog showed the redirect request and response.

  • StreamCatcher v1.9.0.3 coordinated with WebHub v2.182 and v3.182
    Changes impact WebHub sites only.
    Changes impact webrobots only.
    When using short URLs with a non-blank command string for webrobots, WebHub now sends :0: or /0/ as a placeholder for the surfer session number. That avoids trouble with some bots who were collapsing // to a single slash and thereby losing the meaning of all commands. On the incoming side, StreamCatcher accepts both // and /0/ from webrobots. If a webrobot comes in with a surfer session number and a non-blank command, then StreamCatcher issues a status 301 bounce to a URL that contains either :0: or /0/ depending on the configured URL delimiter.
    It is now possible to coordinate all sitemap URLs, all canonical URLs, plus all WebHub JUMP URLs with precisely consistent syntax.
    If any search engine is reporting "health issues" on your site, specifically frequent "disconnect" errors, and your http server logs show status 301 bounces for webrobots, then upgrading to this version of StreamCatcher plus WebHub v2.182+ is likely to help -- assuming that you go to the trouble of making sure that ALL links fed to the search engine are consistent.
    Note that google webmaster tools provides a way to remove invalid URLs from its index, which can speed up any cleanup phase.
    StreamCatcher WebSite configuration samples with rules for WebHub URLs are included with the webhubdemos project. This project can be downloaded from the Download link of any WebHub demo. Configuration files are in the Live\scwebsites folder.

  • StreamCatcher v1.9.0.1 fixes corner-case problem
    If you were remapping static URLs for web robots and staying within the same domain AND the name of the matching incoming URL was exactly 10 characters long including the leading slash (e.g. /qhelp.htm), then you might have noticed that your rule never fired. In that one case, you need this bug-fix upgrade version

  • StreamCatcher v1.9 adds cycling
    It is now possible to use StreamCatcher to remap using a Cycle token, which cycles through a series of replacement values (e.g. 1, 2, 3 or aa, bb, cc...). This can be used for load-balancing and for simplistic advertisement rotation.
    Version 1.9 is a PAID upgrade, $89, upgrade in HREFShop.
    26-Jul-2009 20:00

  • StreamCatcher v1.9 major update
    This version supports modification of data heading to IIS logs according to powerful regex rules.
    This version also includes a standalone console which has all the features of the one which works in IIS 5 in a web browser. The only difference is that, for security reasons, the SCConsole.exe must be run on a computer with the StreamCatcher configuration files. You can use SCConsole.exe on a development computer to test all your filtering and logging rules, even if you do not have IIS installed or active on that development computer.
    1-Jul-2009 11:00

  • StreamCatcher v1.8.0.5 is ready
    The new features are documented in StreamCatcher's HLP file. One is the <Conditions_tag> which may be added to rules to limit the rule to either HTTP or HTTPS. The other new feature is that the list of webrobots can be maintained in a separate file, referenced from the master configuration file.
    14-Jan-2009 17:00

  • StreamCatcher on VISTA
    Thanks to John Correa, we have confirmed that StreamCatcher works on Vista.
    23-Nov-2008 19:00

  • StreamCatcher v1.8.0.0 fully compatible with WebHub v2.8x

  • StreamCatcher v1.8.0.0 supports regex
    StreamCatcher users can now enter remapping rules using classic syntax or using regular expressions.
    02-Dec-2006 10:00

  • StreamCatcher v1.5.2.5
    StreamCatcher v1.5.2.5 is ready for download, and the help files have been updated. The manual has not been modified. The latest feature makes it easier for ASP programmers to remap their obsolete URLs because the equal symbol is now allowed in more syntaxes.
    16-May-2006 21:00

  • StreamCatcher v1.5.2.3, ok for IIS 6
    StreamCatcher v1.5.2.3 is ready for download, and it is suitable for use with IIS6 on Win2003. The SCHelpWH.hlp file has been updated to include notes for IIS6 usage, and all the latest versions.
    25-Feb-2005 21:45

  • Lingvo support added
    Minor release adds support for optional lingvo at beginning of short URL, e.g. where "deu" is the lingvo code.
    23-Sep-2004 19:00

  • SecureLinks
    Major new release, SecureLinks, is an additional DLL for people who do not use WebHub and find themselves in a compromised situation and need to urgently make all links unique and spoof-proof. Available by special order only.
    13-Aug-2004 21:00

  • StreamCatcher v1.5.2.0 (security patch)
    StreamCatcher v1.5.2.0 is available for immediate download. This is a recommended upgrade for security reasons.
    17-Mar-2004 00:55

  • StreamCatcher v1.5.1.9 supports rewriting HTTP headers
    StreamCatcher v1.5.1.9 posted. This version adds support for rewriting headers. Search help file for "rewriting headers" for new syntax.
    15-Mar-2004 11:30

  • StreamCatcher v1.5.1.7 posted (for WebHub users)
    StreamCatcher now forces leading dash before AppID when remapping for web robots, but not when bouncing web robots. This applies on servers running multiple AppIDs with UseProcessID=true.
    28-Feb-2004 20:45

  • StreamCatcher v1.5.1.6 (free upgrade)
    This is a free upgrade for registered users. This version supports remapping from http to https, and fixes a fairly obscure problem involving browsable directories whose names started with the same characters as valid WebHub PageIDs within the default WebHub application for the domain.
    If you're interested in forcing HTTPS, search for "HTTPS" in the newly posted help file for instructions. (You will receive the new help file when you run the new SCSetup.exe.)
    15-Jan-2004 18:00

  • StreamCatcher usage on Win2003
    We have confirmed that StreamCatcher (as-is) works on Win2003 IIS 6 in "IIS 5 compatibility mode" and that it works in regular "worker process isolation mode" as long as you do not enable the Bytes Transferred report. Is anyone outside HREF using this report? We do not know. In any case, research has shown that the popular books on IIS are WRONG and that many things are still possible with filters that are documented as being impossible. So there you go.
    14-Jan-2004 01:45

Running: WebHub-v3.287 compiled with d29_win64 on Microsoft-IIS/10.0,
Fri, 26 Jul 2024 23:59:46 UTC
Session 1043973195, 0 pages sent to Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; at;
Time to produce this page: 0msec.