The WebHub System, including
a WebHub Application Server, runs constantly in order to serve page requests
as they come in -- 24hrs a day, 7 days a week.
Architecture - Detailed Overview - 166k PDF File
A web browser is the ultimate
thin client. You
can run a web browser on virtually any operating system, from Macintosh
to Microsoft Windows 3.1/95/NT, and even to Linux/Unix.
By using WebHub, developers ensure that their software is available to
people using any of those platforms.
Further options, especially on an Intranet, include:
- A browser plus a Java applet
- A browser plus a JavaScript application
- A custom browser
- A custom application that includes some browser features
The Internet runs on a protocol called TCP/IP. These days TCP/IP support is
build into
most operating systems, including Windows 95/98/NT. HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
runs on top of TCP/IP, typically on port 80. It is the protocol which enables a surfer to communicate
with a web server. HTTP connections can be made over the Internet (public) and corporate (private) intranets.
Web Server
In an interactive WebHub site, the
web server software runs on
Microsoft Windows NT and can be provided by any vendor.
WebHub System
The WH system includes the
WebHub runners, the
and one or more
application servers. As a WebHub VCL developer
you'll be creating custom application servers.
Thanks to Delphi, custom WebHub application servers can connect to virtually any desktop or SQL
Other components include email, ecommerce, and other custom processes that you might
access through D-COM or CORBA.
WebHub Separates User Interface from the Program Logic
When multiple developers or site designers are involved in the creation of a site it can be
challenging to work simultaneously on the project.
WebHub's teamwork-friendly design allows
team members to work on the site together without risking lost work or interfering with each other.
For example, design team members can effect page layout changes (edit chunk files)
without affecting the application server (programming logic). Keeping the user interface
separate from the program logic makes for a much
cleaner design,
and allows you to protect the
security of your program logic by making it accessible only to those who need it. This
invaluable flexibility also cuts down your site development time and maintenance time enormously.
Internet Developers
Because each page is created dynamically
(using server-side processing
in a compiled (not interpreted) application), the web "site" can change
to meet the needs of the active surfer. You can include or exclude
entire sections of pages based on surfer preferences and/or based on
browser capability.
WebHub also provides extremely strong security -- essential for any
site that provides "members-only" services or handles electronic commerce.
Intranet Developers
Regardless of the client side decision, use WebHub on the web server
to quickly provide
requests for information. WebHub is a multiuser state machine, and as such, it
can be used to build middleware for a variety of intranet systems
and situations.
Intranet clients include MCI, BellSouth, Lockheed-Martin,
and the State of Washington Department of Information Services.
Site type flexibility
With WebHub you can re-use your HTML code among
CD-ROM, and dynamic sites
without starting over!
page aliasing feature in WebHub allows you to define your pages
one time and then create
links as needed for static, CD-ROM or dynamic sites. When you change your site mode
you don't need to change anything inside the HTML.
With WebHub you can also divide up the HTML files to be worked on as needed by project
team members. This affords you the flexibility and teamwork
options needed for larger projects.