WebHub Release Notes for v2.014, v2.015, v2.016 and v2.017
This file was last updated 27-May-2003 21:28 California time.
WebHub Components
When upgrading the components, please backup, then delete the contents of lib\*.* before installing files into the same directory (assuming that you like to install into the same directory). This is especially important if you are upgrading from a version which marked any of the WebHub files readonly, because they may not be overwritten properly otherwise. Please also review Tools|Environment Options|Library "Library Path" inside Delphi after installing, to make sure that it does not include any paths containing older versions of the components.

A number of units have recently been REMOVED from WebHub. See the Summary of free units on this page. There is a very small chance that you are using one of these units in your custom work. If you are, please download the source and save it with your custom files for your future use.

Changes to WebHub Components

WebHub Demos
The Hub
Note for people upgrading: The WebHub Installation will always reset the location of your "hub.ini" file. If you have customized this location, you will need to reset that after installation. The easiest way to do this is to run regedit before installation, export the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HREF Tools\WebHub key to a .reg file to save your custom settings, and then double-click that .reg file to restore the settings after installation. Example file contents:

WebHub Project Wizard
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