unit WebOutline; (* Copyright (c) 1998-2003 HREF Tools Corp. NB: This unit was named weboutln.pas in WebHub through v2.017 and defined the web action component named TWebOutline. Permission is hereby granted, on 26-May-2003, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this file (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) { This makes a great example for storing and restoring state! every node in the outline becomes a letter in a string. that string is saved as a 'saved state' and travels through the system with the other information the surfer has provided. The outline has one quirky little 'cut' command that I'd like people to try interactively and give me some feedback on. --Michael. } {outline.items .text property must be in this form: pageDescription | outlineLevel | outlineIndex | WebHub PageID required macros in application-level .ini file: outlineFolderClosed= outlineFolderOpen= outlinePage= } interface uses SysUtils, Messages, Classes, Forms, Dialogs, Outline , Windows , Graphics, Controls , UpdateOk , HTMConst, WebTypes, WebLink , ucInteg , UcString ; Const toCollapsed='C'; toExpanded='E'; cStateCode:array[false..true] of char=(toCollapsed,toExpanded); cOutlineMagic=3; Type TWebOutlineCommands = (ocGoto,ocCut,ocTop,ocLess,ocMore,ocAll); Const WebOutlineCommands: array[ocGoto..ocAll] of string[4] = ('Lvl','Cut','Top','Less','More','All'); Type TOnNode= procedure (aNode:TOutlineNode;NodeNr:integer;var Value:String) of object; TOnFolder= procedure (aNode:TOutlineNode;NodeNr:integer;var Value:String;Expanded:Boolean) of object; TOnDocument= procedure (aNode:TOutlineNode;NodeNr:integer;var Value:String) of object; TNodeNamePrefix= string[10]; Type TWebOutline = class(TWebAction) private fAnchor: Boolean; fCurrent: Integer; fCut, fLevel, fLevels, fIndent: byte; fNodeNamePrefix: TNodeNamePrefix; fOutline : TOutline; fOnNode: TOnNode; fOnFolder: TOnFolder; fOnDocument: TOnDocument; procedure SetExpanded(Node:Integer;Value:Boolean); function GetExpanded(Node:Integer):Boolean; procedure PerformCommand; function GetLevels:Byte; procedure SetToZero(Value:Byte); procedure SetLevel(Value:Byte); procedure StringToOutline(Const Value:string); {set the outline from the state} function OutlineToString:string; {convert the outline to the state} protected function DoUpdate : boolean; override; {make sure outline is hooked up} procedure DoExecute; override; {send the html for the outline} procedure SetSaveState(const State:String); override; {restore the outline's state} function GetSaveState:String; override; {get the outline's state} public constructor Create(aOwner:TComponent); override; procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; procedure SetToTop; {added 6/9/96 aml} property Expanded[Node:Integer]:Boolean read GetExpanded write SetExpanded; property Current: Integer read fCurrent write fCurrent; published property Anchor: Boolean read fAnchor write fAnchor default false; property Level: Byte read fLevel write SetLevel; property Levels: Byte read GetLevels write SetToZero; property Indent: Byte read fIndent write fIndent; property Outline : TOutline read fOutline write fOutline; property NodeNamePrefix: TNodeNamePrefix read fNodeNamePrefix write fNodeNamePrefix; property OnNode: TOnNode read fOnNode write fOnNode; property OnFolder: TOnFolder read fOnFolder write fOnFolder; property OnDocument: TOnDocument read fOnDocument write fOnDocument; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //procedure Register; implementation var iStackCounter:integer; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} constructor TWebOutline.Create(aOwner:TComponent); begin inherited Create(aOwner); fIndent:= cOutlineMagic; fNodeNamePrefix:=''; end; procedure TWebOutline.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation); if (csUpdating in ComponentState) then exit; if Operation = opRemove then cx.NilIfSet(fOutline,AComponent) else if (fOutline=nil) and (aComponent is TOutline) then fOutline:=TOutline(AComponent); end; function TWebOutline.DoUpdate:boolean; begin result:=inherited DoUpdate; if result then begin fOutline:=TOutline(cx.SetIfFound(fOutline,TOutline)); result:=fOutline<>nil; if not assigned(fOutline) then AddError('Outline is nil') end; if result then begin {reset reread levels} fLevels:=0; GetLevels; end; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TWebOutline.DoExecute; var ShowThis, anchor, youAreHere, MoreHTML, pageID: String; NodeNr : Integer; function SendNodeString:String; begin with fOutline.Items[NodeNr] do begin fLevels:=max(Level,fLevels); if IsVisible and (Level>fCut) then begin Result:=text; if assigned(fOnNode) then fOnNode(fOutline.Items[NodeNr],NodeNr,Result); SplitString(Result,'|',ShowThis,Result); { showthis | pageID [|addtlhtml]} SplitString(Result,'|',pageID,MoreHTML); if ShowThis='' then exit; // if Expanded or HasItems then begin if NodeNr=Current then youAreHere:='%=outlinePointer=%' else youAreHere:=''; // Result:='%=OutlineFolderClosed=%' else Result:=Result+'">%=OutlineFolderOpen=%'; // if fAnchor then anchor:='' else anchor:=''; // Result:=Result+''+anchor+' ' +'%=JUMP|'+pageID+'|'+showThis+'=%'+MoreHTML+youAreHere+'
'; if assigned(fOnFolder) then fOnFolder(fOutline.Items[NodeNr],NodeNr,Result,Expanded); with WebOutput do begin SendSpacers(fIndent*pred(Level)); SendLine(Result); end; end else begin{cannot be expanded} Result:='%=outlinePage=%%=JUMP|'+pageID+'|'+showThis+'=%'; if assigned(fOnDocument) then fOnDocument(fOutline.Items[NodeNr],NodeNr,Result); with WebOutput do begin SendSpacers(fIndent*pred(Level)); Send(Result); SendLine(MoreHTML+'
'); end; end; end; end; end; begin if not tpUpdated then exit; inherited DoExecute; // iStackCounter:=0; // PerformCommand; fLevels:=0; with fOutline do begin BeginUpdate; for NodeNr:=1 to ItemCount do SendNodeString; EndUpdate; end; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TWebOutline.PerformCommand; var Cmd:TWebOutlineCommands; i:integer; a1:string; begin a1:=DefaultsTo(Command,HtmlParam); i:=StrToIntDef(a1,-1); if i>-1 then begin Expanded[i]:=not Expanded[i]; Current:=i; end else Current:=-2; // nowhere for Cmd:= low(cmd) to high(cmd) do if pos(uppercase(WebOutlineCommands[Cmd]),uppercase(a1))>0 then case cmd of ocGoto: Level:=StrToIntDef(LeftOf(',',copy(a1 ,1+length(WebOutlineCommands[Cmd]),255)),-1); ocTop: Level:=1; ocLess: Level:=max(1,pred(Level)); ocMore: Level:=min(Levels,succ(Level)); ocAll: Level:=Levels; ocCut: begin fOutline.FullExpand; i:=StrToIntDef(LeftOf(',',copy(a1 ,1+length(WebOutlineCommands[Cmd]),255)),0); Expanded[i]:=True; fCut:=fOutline.items[i].Level; end; end; //Command:=''; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TWebOutline.SetLevel(Value:Byte); var i:integer; begin if not IsUpdated then exit; fCut:=0; fLevel:=max(1,min(Levels,Value)); with fOutline do begin BeginUpdate; for i:=1 to ItemCount do with items[i] do if Level < fLevel then if NOT Expanded and HasItems then Expand else else if Expanded then Collapse; EndUpdate; end; end; procedure TWebOutline.SetToZero(Value:Byte); begin fLevels:=0; end; procedure TWebOutline.SetToTop; begin SetLevel(0); end; function TWebOutline.GetLevels:Byte; {Set Level to 0 to re-read levels after changing outline text} var i: Integer; begin Result:=fLevels; if (not tpUpdated) or (Result>0) then exit; fLevels:=0; with fOutline do for i:=1 to ItemCount do if Items[i].Level>fLevels then fLevels:=Items[i].Level; Result:=fLevels; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TWebOutline.SetSaveState(const State:String); var a1,a2:string; begin inc(iStackCounter); // SplitString(State,'|',a1,a2); try try if isUpdated and (a1<>'') then StringToOutline(a1); finally inherited SetSaveState(a2); end; except WebOutput.SendException(Self,Exception(ExceptObject)); end; end; procedure TWebOutline.StringToOutline(Const Value:String); var i:integer; begin with fOutline do for i:=1 to ItemCount do if Value[i] = toExpanded then items[i].expand else items[i].collapse; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function TWebOutline.GetSaveState:String; begin Result:='|'+inherited GetSaveState; if isUpdated then Result:=OutlineToString+Result; end; function TWebOutline.OutlineToString:string; var i:integer; begin Result:=''; with fOutline do for i:=1 to ItemCount do Result:=Result+cStateCode[items[i].expanded]; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} {helper procs for outside use} procedure TWebOutline.SetExpanded(Node:Integer;Value:Boolean); var i:integer; procedure ExpandNode(Node:TOutlineNode); begin if Node=nil then exit; with Node do begin if not IsVisible then ExpandNode(Parent); if IsVisible then Expand; end; end; begin i:=max(0,min(pred(fOutline.ItemCount),Node)); with fOutline do if Value then ExpandNode(Items[i]) else Items[i].Collapse; end; function TWebOutline.GetExpanded(Node:Integer):Boolean; begin with fOutline.items[max(0,min(pred(fOutline.ItemCount),Node))] do Result:=Expanded; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //procedure Register; //begin // RegisterComponents('HT+', [TWebOutline]); //end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} end.