1.10+ Release Notes

Hi. Thanks for taking a look at this edition of WebHub.

The mission of release 1.10+ is to make working with WebHub projects easy for everyone. We mean to buttress the low-end, the easy to explain, and to genuinely transform and enhance the UI as to allow you to stay inside the system for much of the site-development.

This won't be an overnight task and while we believe that we've come a long way toward meeting the above aim, there is lots more to be written and enhanced before it will be friendly. It certainly is easier now, and again, we'd like your feedback on this build with the above in mind. Dream a little and let us know the problems that you have when working with webhub, and how we need to support you better.

These release notes are sectioned as follows:

hyperlinked release notes by max ... last updated 8-25.
Updated for version numbers, 21 Oct. 97 ann.